&0 &G,90,225,2 &G,489,305,1 &G,116,39,11 &T,87,254,569,475,0,24,l nce upon a time somewhere in the galaxy there was a tiny, floating kingdom called Crystal City. Suspended in space like a small jewel, Crystal City glittered with light. Golden sundrops danced everywhere. Everyone seemed happy enjoying their peaceful existence. Everyone, that is, except the Master of Mischief. The Master of Mischief enjoyed making trouble any way he could. "How I'm enjoying annoying!" he would often exclaim. &1 &G,75,135,3 &G,276,282,4 &T,263,133,599,288,0,24,l Then he built the oddest invention -- a disasteroid machine! Every asteroid that went in one end came out the other with a growly-scowly face! "At last!" he exclaimed. "A way to unleash mega-mischief!" He gathered the disasteroids around him. &T,86,41,573,142,0,24,l As it happens, one day he found himself passing through the asteroid field just outside of Crystal City when he got a perfectly terrible, awful idea. "The asteroids!" he shouted. "I'll use them to make some mischief in Crystal City!" &T,80,286,463,429,0,24,l "Go to Crystal City and cause as much mischief as possible! And when you are done... cause a ton more!" The disasteroids obediently swirled and swarmed away. &2 &G,90,239,9 &G,355,92,8 &T,84,41,577,239,0,24,l Little did anyone in Crystal City know of the trouble that was headed their way. In the silvery splendor of her palace, beautiful Queen Astral polished her crystals from the Crystal Chest. She happily did this because the friendly sundrops depended on the shiny crystals to keep up their sunny spirits. All in all, it seemed like just another peaceful day in the kingdom. &T,80,245,594,439,0,24,l All of a sudden, something very heavy slammed into the ground outside. Then again and again. The palace rocked back and forth. Everything crashed down all around. Then Astral looked outside and saw a swarm of mischievous, smiling disasteroids. The disasteroids were crashing into the palace like cannonballs, and it looked as if they might simply pound it to pieces. &3 &G,83,46,5 &G,303,287,6 &T,247,54,613,232,0,24,l "The Master of Mischief is no doubt behind this!" shouted Astral. But the words were hardly out of her mouth when a thunderous knock rattled the palace door. All at once--SLAM! The door burst open and the Master of Mischief flew in aboard an enormous disasteroid. &T,87,235,582,428,0,24,l In less than a second, the disasteroid crashed into the Crystal Chest and the lid flew open. "Time for a little game of hide 'n' seek," snickered the Master as he eagerly scooped up all the shimmering crystals. "I'll hide your precious crystals, and you'll seek them out!" he said as he zoomed through the doorway. &4 &G,361,170,7 &T,94,41,566,166,0,24,l Before long the Master of Mischief was hiding the crystals in special satellites he had scattered throughout the galaxy. "Nobody will ever find the crystals now!" chuckled the Master. "And without them, who knows what will happen to the sundrops?!" To save her kingdom from certain disaster, Queen Astral needs your help. &5 &G,77,165,10 &T,103,210,361,337,0,19,c As the Super Seeker, it's up to you to find the stolen crystals and return them to their chest. My faithful assistant Twinkle will guide you on your quest. &6 &G,77,165,10 &T,77,177,388,339,0,19,c When all the missing crystals have been returned, the disasteroids will turn back into harmless asteroids. The Master of Mischief will be forced out of Crystal City. And peace and quiet will be restored. Please...we need your help! &7 &G,95,38,12 &T,94,367,578,443,0,24,l And so, having returned all the crystals to Queen Astral, the power of the Crystal Chest turned the disasteroids back into harmless asteroids and the Master of Mischief was chased out of Crystal City forever. &8 &G,369,69,7 &G,77,72,10 &G,206,363,13 &T,73,79,384,241,0,19,c Thank you, ^0. You have succeeded in your quest and have become the Champion Super Seeker! Now that the Master of Mischief is gone, the sundrops are safe and Crystal City is once again at peace. &